How Green Tea Helps with Weight Loss

Green tea has been shown to help with weight loss in multiple ways. Research shows that green tea extract can boost your metabolism by up to 4%. It’s also been linked to reducing belly fat and promoting a healthy heart, making it an ideal addition to your diet if you’re trying to lose weight. And it’s incredibly easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Green tea is most often consumed as a drink; all you need is hot water and some matcha powder.

However, there are also tons of other ways to get more green tea into your day. Read on to learn more about how drinking green tea might just be your ticket to weight-loss success.

What is Green Tea?

Green tea is made from steamed and dried leaves of Camellia sinensis, a small evergreen shrub native to Eastern Asia. The leaves are ground into a powder that can be consumed as is or steeped in hot water to make an herbal tea. It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years and recent studies have demonstrated its benefits for weight loss by significantly reducing body fat while retaining lean muscle mass.

The most abundant active ingredient in green tea is EGCG, a flavonoid that has been shown to inhibit an enzyme called lipase. Lipase breaks down fat and sugar into smaller components that can be absorbed by your body during digestion. By inhibiting lipase, EGCG causes fat and sugar molecules to remain large and undigested so they are excreted in your stool instead of being absorbed. The result is a reduction in overall body fat mass while still retaining lean muscle mass.

The Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

Drinking green tea is a healthy, safe way to lose weight. Why? The caffeine in green tea can boost your metabolic rate for up to five hours and it may stimulate fat oxidation by as much as 27 percent during exercise. The catechins in green tea—particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)—may increase thermogenesis, or heat production, helping you burn extra calories throughout your day.

The health benefits of green tea also include reducing risk factors for heart disease, including blood pressure and cholesterol levels. And, unlike black and oolong teas, green tea does not contain tannins, so it does not cause tooth discoloration or damage to dental enamel. There are dozens of weight loss supplements available on store shelves—but if you want to reap all of the green tea benefits for your body, skip them and drink plenty of green tea instead.

Additional benefits of drinking green team include; relief from headaches, anxiety, and depression, improved bone health, reduced risk of cancer and strokes as well as protection against diabetes.

Drinking more than three cups per day may help reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Additionally, research shows that people who drink two or more cups of green tea each day were 44 percent less likely to die from heart disease. Green tea has also been associated with a reduced risk for certain types of cancers.

7 Ways Green Tea Helps You Lose Weight

Green tea does wonder for your body. It contains healthy antioxidants, it’s full of vitamins, and it can even help you lose weight. Research indicates that drinking 3-4 cups of green tea per day can boost your metabolism by 3% and decrease your chances of becoming obese by 18%.  You can use green tea to start losing weight right away or simply incorporate it into a healthy lifestyle to benefit your health in many other ways as well. Here are 7 ways that drinking green tea every day helps you lose weight:

1.   Boost Metabolism

The caffeine in green tea gives you a metabolic boost, which is essential for weight loss. Research suggests that drinking four to five cups of green tea each day will boost your metabolic rate by 3 percent and improve fat oxidation by 10 percent. To put that into perspective, if you weigh 75 kilograms (165 pounds), drinking green tea will burn an extra 250 calories per day, completely negating the typical side effect of weight gain from consuming caffeinated drinks such as coffee.

Researchers found that when study participants consumed green tea extracts before exercise, they burned more fat than those who took placebo pills. According to another study published in Clinical Nutrition in 2016, green tea polyphenols help obese people lose 2.6 times more weight compared to those who didn’t supplement their diet with it.

2.   Destroy Belly Fat

If you’re looking to burn fat from your belly, we’ve got some good news: green tea can help you accomplish that goal. Research shows that a certain compound in green tea, ECGC or (–)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate, prevents your body from making new fat cells—which is why it has been linked to helping you lose weight.

People who took a daily dose of ECGC for 12 weeks had higher levels of fat oxidation—the process by which fat is burned.  Plus, they lost an average of 2.5 pounds and reduced their waist circumference by almost half an inch.  By preventing your body from making new fat cells, you’re basically helping your body burn off excess fat. And losing weight can help make you feel better too! You’ll be less likely to suffer from obesity-related conditions like heart disease and diabetes, and more likely to ward off other diseases as well.

3.   Fight Inflammation

Green tea contains antioxidant compounds called polyphenols, which have been shown to fight inflammation, a contributor to obesity. Just one cup of green tea per day may reduce your body’s levels of inflammatory markers by up to 25 percent. An increased level of C-reactive protein (CRP) was associated with an increase in abdominal fat. CRP is an important marker used by doctors to identify inflammation.

To stay slim and avoid inflammation-related illnesses, such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease, try drinking three to four cups of green tea each day. Alternatively, you can look for supplements containing standardized extracts from green tea leaves.

4.   Reduces Appetite

If you’re trying to lose weight, it’s a good idea to monitor your intake of sugar and refined carbs. To drop these extra pounds safely but quickly, switch to a sugar-free diet. Drinking green tea can also help here; some studies suggest that catechins reduce appetite through increasing feelings of satiety.

Green tea drinkers had significantly less desire to eat than non-green tea drinkers. This has been confirmed in several studies. Long-term consumption of green tea significantly reduced body fat by boosting metabolism while suppressing adipose fat production.

Reduced Appetite will increase serotonin levels as well, which can suppress appetite as well! Some research suggests that people who drink four cups of green tea per day experienced a 36% reduction in calorie intake — almost 400 calories — compared to non-tea drinkers.

5.   Burn Calories

Green tea contains caffeine that revs up your metabolism, increasing your calorie-burning potential. Several studies have also found that catechins in green tea promote thermogenesis—i.e., they increase energy expenditure—and increase fat oxidation, too. That’s why green tea is often recommended as a weight-loss beverage.

Green tea may also boost your metabolism by protecting your body from absorbing too much of it. Several studies have found that polyphenols in green tea are associated with weight loss and reduced abdominal fat.

When calories are burned, energy is given off as heat. This is called thermogenesis, and one of its primary triggers is your sympathetic nervous system (SNS). The SNS is a two-way connection between your brain and nerves that runs through your spinal cord and out to most major organs.

6.   Control Cravings

Green tea contains catechins, a type of antioxidant that helps combat hunger pangs. So, when you drink green tea instead of eating a heavy meal, you’ll feel full faster and for longer.

It may even help decrease sugar cravings over time. Some studies suggest drinking green tea regularly may lower your risk of obesity and help you maintain a healthy body weight. It’s also filled with antioxidants called catechins that may play an important role in reducing body fat by increasing thermogenesis, the rate at which your body burns calories.

When cravings are controlled, dieters can better avoid reaching for fattening treats when they’re bored or stressed. People who consume green tea instead of sugary drinks see improved measures of body fat and blood sugar control, if you want to give your metabolism a boost, sip your way to better health by making green tea part of your daily routine. Just make sure to brew loose tea leaves or purchase a decaffeinated variety so that your drink isn’t loaded with caffeine.

7.   Increase Energy Levels

One of green tea’s main benefits is that it boosts your energy. That’s due to its high levels of caffeine. Green tea contains 3–4 times more antioxidants than black or oolong tea, which may help increase weight loss by keeping you healthy and reducing stress levels.

It can also boost metabolism, helping you burn more calories throughout the day and promoting fat burning during exercise. Increased Energy Levels One of the green tea’s main benefits is that it boosts your energy.

That’s due to its high levels of caffeine.  you will be able to perform better in your daily activities. In addition, if you are having trouble sleeping at night, green tea could work well for you since it is both calming and stimulant-free.

What’s important to know about green tea and weight loss is that it works as a natural weight-loss supplement. It has been shown to reduce hunger and cravings, fight stress, burn fat, and boost your metabolism. Green tea is an effective treatment for people who are trying to lose weight in a healthy way. So if you want to keep it safe and lose weight faster go ahead and enjoy a cup of green tea daily. Green tea has several health benefits that make it well worth trying!

Are There Any Side Effects?

A quick search of green tea and weight loss reveals that many people are concerned about whether there are any side effects when drinking green tea for weight loss. The good news is that in most cases, drinking a few cups of green tea each day is relatively safe for most people. Of course, as with anything else, there are some individuals who may experience adverse reactions to these herbal drinks.

It’s important to remember that not all green tea is created equal. There are a variety of different kinds of tea, each with its own unique flavor and health benefits. In addition, there are many different brands and blends available for purchase. It’s always best to do your research before you buy, so you know what you’re getting.

Drinking green tea for weight loss isn’t going to cause you any adverse side effects. It does contain caffeine, but most people aren’t likely to have any negative reactions to drinking a few cups of green tea each day.

When Can I Expect to See Results from Drinking Green Tea?

Drinking green tea may help you lose weight, but you might not see results for at least a few weeks. That’s because it takes time for your body to start processing caffeine, especially if you’re not used to drinking it. The positive effects of drinking green tea may take longer to kick in if you drink it alongside caffeine-containing foods or beverages, such as coffee.

While you might start to feel some positive effects after a week or two, it could take up to three months of drinking green tea for you to lose weight. The results are worth it, though.  Therefore, on average, it is recommended that you drink one cup of green tea each day as part of a balanced diet and exercise program. If you don’t see any improvements after three months, try increasing your consumption until you do.

Where to Buy Your Green Tea

It’s often easy to find green tea at your local grocery store, but make sure you don’t grab a package of flavored green tea. Instead, look for traditional green tea (Matcha is an example) and avoid flavored versions that include ingredients other than 100% pure green tea leaves. Green tea comes in many different varieties based on where it was grown, how it was processed and what times of the year it was harvested.

Look for a package that details how much caffeine is in each serving of green tea. To determine if a brand will be right for you, it’s also important to know how much caffeine you can typically handle. If you’re sensitive to caffeine, look for a pure green tea without any added ingredients like honey or jasmine.

Green tea should be kept in an airtight container or canister to prevent oxidation. Look for a green tea product that has been packaged in a nitrogen or argon environment. These methods of packaging keep green tea fresher longer and preserve its unique taste, antioxidants and nutrients. With proper storage, you can expect green tea to stay fresh for about one year past its best-by date.

What to Watch Out For

Beware of cheap green tea. Most teas on grocery store shelves aren’t brewed from high-quality tea leaves, which is why they usually contain very few catechins and polyphenols. By contrast, most high-quality green teas are brewed from 100 percent Camellia sinensis leaves.  Read labels to determine whether you’re getting a significant amount of tea leaves in your brew.

Next, make sure you’re buying your tea from a reputable company. A lot of teas even natural and organic brands have added sugar to compensate for poor-quality tea leaves. Make sure you can see information about how much catechins and polyphenols are in your tea, and if you can’t find that information on your bottle, look elsewhere.

Finally, look for brands that make a big deal about sourcing their tea from certified farms. In 2017, researchers found that teas from some of these high-quality farms contain up to six times more polyphenols than teas made from leaves harvested elsewhere.


Whether you’re a veteran tea drinker looking to shed some weight or you’re new to green tea and are trying to drop a few pounds, we hope that our guide has been of some help. It’s definitely worth pointing out that you should consult your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program—but if green tea does in fact work for you as an aid for weight loss, then it could be a worthwhile addition to your daily routine. 

Just make sure not to go overboard; while 2-3 cups of green tea each day is considered a good amount, more than that can get expensive and may lead to decreased benefits. Also, keep in mind that adding lemon is optional, so feel free to adjust amounts until you find what works best for you.

Categories: Health

Nicolas Desjardins

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