Traditional Ukrainian Dishes You Should Cook in College Dorm

Ukraine is the second-largest European country. As such, it covers a vast geographical region and has a very diverse cuisine. Bordering many countries, it has experienced a rich cultural and gastronomic influx over the centuries and has established itself as a tourist destination that has a lot to offer to any group of tourists. If you would like to learn more about Ukrainian cuisine, you’ve come to the right place.

What is Ukrainian Cuisine Like?

Ukrainian cuisine is tasty and simple. Many dishes are fast to make and can match even the best college food in California. Despite this, they are remarkably tasty and unique and the rich palette of flavors and aromas is enough to enrich any holiday table. If you are a student discovering cooking, or a student who wants to experience foreign cuisine, this is the perfect place to start. So grab a knife and a cutting board and let’s begin with our Ukrainian cooking class.

Popular Ukrainian Dishes

Many popular Ukrainian dishes include meat, sausages or fish. Despite this, there are also many vegetarian and vegan options. All this means that there is a dish in Ukrainian cuisine for every pallet and every food preference. So, ask yourself: “who can write my research paper online?” and head to the kitchen. Here, we will try to bring you closer to some of the trademark dishes that are difficult to find anywhere else, but that are easy enough that any student can do it in their dorm room.

Chicken Kyiv


  • Butter,
  • Garlic,
  • Chicken breast,
  • Eggs,
  • Four,
  • Salt and pepper to taste, and
  • Bread crumbs.



Chicken Kyiv is made by pounding chicken breast or chicken filet and then wrapping it around cold butter. The butter should be cold, so the chicken can be molded around it. The chicken is then coated in eggs and bread crumbs and deep fried. You can add garlic powder, pepper and salt to the breadcrumbs to your liking. Cheap and easy to make, the dish can also be made from chicken drums which are first demoned and then the bone is put in the middle of the butter. The bone, in this variation of the recipe, should be left to protrude a bit from Chicken Kyiv, and it serves as a handle of a sort.



  • Beetroot,
  • Potato,
  • Cabbage,
  • Vegetables of Choice,
  • Tomato,
  • Onion,
  • Salt and Pepper,
  • Garlic, and



As beets are the main ingredient of borsch, you should wear gloves when peeling, cutting and handling them – this will prevent their red pigment from dyeing your hands. Peel and cut up the potatoes. Heat up a pot, add two tablespoons of olive oil, beets, potatoes and carrots. Cook all the ingredients. In a pan, stir-fry finely diced onion and other vegetables. Add tomato as well and once done, add the stir-fry to the pot. Stir and let simmer for 5 minutes.



  • Sauerkraut,
  • Chicken, beef or mushroom broth, and
  • Salt, pepper, garlic powder and bay leaves.



Sauerkraut is washed thoroughly, to remove as much salt as possible. Once washed and drained, it is cooked in the broth with the addition of seasoning to your liking. Served both hot and cold, the soup is a perfect dish for winter months and is likely to enrich any holiday dinner.



  • Potato,
  • Flour,
  • Onion,
  • Butter,
  • Sour cream,
  • Sauerkraut, and
  • Salt and pepper.



Peel and cut onion, chop finely. Add to a preheated pan, salt and stir over a medium heat, to start caramelizing. Add sauerkraut, stir fry and add a bit of water to create glaze. On the other side, make the dough and leave it to rest for 15+ minutes. Knead again, and make dumplings. Fill with the stir fry and make sure there’s no air inside. Boil them for a few minutes, take out and butter. Serve your varenyky with sour cream.


Ukrainian cuisine is simple yet flavorful. As with other Slavic cuisines, Ukrainian cuisine has a lot of meat, seasoning and different kinds of bread. The recipes we’ve used here are all simple, filling and do not cost much to make. Smachnoho!

Carl Hill

Carl Hill believes in education and that everybody should do their own part to become 1% better every day. Frequently taking online courses is almost a passion of his. When he has free time, Carl Hill loves to spend it with his friends – be it on a hiking track or a local bar.

Categories: Food

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