Learning how to play the piano can be exciting, especially when you take correct steps. A simple Google search will reveal tons of results about piano lessons for beginners and other information. However, you need a clear path to learn different aspects of the piano and how its keys work.

In this post, you’ll get correct information about piano chords for beginners. Information from this post ensures you get a simple and clear path to being a pro in piano chords. It will be easier to put together soothing notes from your keys with correct information about piano chords for newbies.

What is a Piano Chord?

A piano chord is a group of at least three notes played together. Single chords produce a different melody while chord progressions take place when played in series. In most cases, three notes on one scale form a piano chord.

How Many Piano Chords are There?

Piano chords number in the thousands, especially when you have an 88-key keyboard. It’s not easy to learn all the playable chords on a piano, and there’s no need to know all of them. Many piano chords exist solely based on how they are defined, and not because they are always in use.

It’s a smart choice to focus on the piano chords you need rather than aiming to play all available combinations. Choose to learn piano chords that best suit your music style and avoid unnecessary difficulties as a beginner.

Types of Piano Chords

Two main types of piano chords exist – major and minor piano chords.

Major Chords

Most major chords assume a strong, joyful sound. You can create this chord by combining a perfect fifth, major third, and root note. For example, a C major chord forms when you combine the note C, E, and G.

How to Make Major Chords

You can make a major chord when you choose a root note. Next, you count two steps up to the ‘third’. The third gets its name from being three steps away from the root note. After the third, count three half steps to reach the ‘fifth’.

Minor Chords

Minor piano chords contain three notes just like major chords. These chords are mostly common in pop and rock music and usually feature a minor third and a perfect fifth asides its root note.

How to Make Minor Chords

A minor chord is designed like an inverse major chord. Minor chords put the minor 3rd bottom, then root to third, before major 3rd on the top, before third to fifth. Minor starts on the bottom, major on top and then the fifth progresses in the same area during construction of chords.

How to Use Piano Chords as a Beginner

Playing the melody with your dominant hand makes learning and using chord symbols much easier. Follow the steps below to use chords like a pro from your first few lessons:

Chord-hand coordination

Whenever you notice a chord above the staff, play a note at the chord’s root with your other hand. If you see an A♭ for example, hit an A-flat to complement this combination. Also, let’s say you see a C above the staff, a C with your other hand will work nicely to form a chord.

Static chords

Assume that the chord symbol you see above the staff will be static until you change the chord. Do not regard the number of measures that go by before your next chord, just assume a static chord until you change the combination. For example, if you keep playing C at the beginning of every measure, don’t stop playing C until you get to the next chord symbol.  

It’s worth noting that you can create exciting sounds with the piano’s root at a one per bear rate. However, try not to unbalance your learning curve and take each process one at a time.

Broken chords

Chord-hand coordination and static chords usually involve playing notes at the same time. Broken chords (or arpeggio) allow the creation of a smooth sound when you play notes on a chord one at a time.

Arpeggios allow you play the chord’s root first with a mix of patterns you prefer. One of the most common arpeggios is the Alberti Bass which plays the fifth, third, fifth, root, fifth, third, fifth, in that order on repeat.

10 Common Chords for Beginners

  1. A major: A – C♯ – E
  2. C major: C – E – G
  • C minor: C – E♭ – G
  1. D major: D – F♯ – A
  2. D minor: D – F – A
  3. E major: E – G♯ – B
  • E minor: E – G – B
  • F minor: F – A♭ – C
  1. G major: G – B – D
  2. G minor: G – B♭ – D

What is a Piano Chord Chart?

A piano chord chart is a visual aid that shows different chords on piano keys. The piano chord chart shows keys need to be pressed to play a given chord. Beginners will find this chart helpful to create a wide range of chords with enough practice.


Can I learn piano chords with a digital piano or keyboard?

Yes, keyboards and digital pianos are great instruments for beginners to learn piano chords. Most new-age digital pianos and keyboards have inbuilt visual aids and digital modes to assist newbie pianists.

What are the most common mistakes beginners make while learning piano chords?

Wrong finger placement, poor hand position, improper posture, incorrect chord fingering, and rushing changes are the most common beginner mistakes. Proper timing and accuracy is the smartest way to make piano chords as a beginner.

Express Your Music Style through Piano Chords

You’re all set to play piano chords as a beginner to suit your music style. It’s so exciting to build your skillset as a pianist. Learning piano chords could open doors to understand other music types. Always strive to practice and strengthen your skills any chance you get.

As your learning curve develops and you know more songs, it will be easier to combine piano chords effortlessly.

Categories: Music

Nicolas Desjardins

Hello everyone, I am the main writer for SIND Canada. I’ve been writing articles for more than 10 years and I like sharing my knowledge. I’m currently writing for many websites and newspaper. All my ideas come from my very active lifestyle. I always keep myself very informed to give you the best information. In all my years as computer scientist made me become an incredible researcher. I believe that any information should be free, we want to know more every day because we learn everyday. You can contact me on our forum or by email at: [email protected].