Common Signs to Help You Tell If Your Child Has Sinusitis

A sinus infection is a bacterial infection that affects the sinuses located behind or above the cheekbones. The sinuses are connected to the nasal passages and the middle ear (antrum).

There are two types of sinuses: acute and chronic. Acute sinus is an acute condition that develops suddenly and lasts only a few days or weeks. Chronic sinus is an ongoing condition with symptoms that last longer than one month or are caused by an underlying medical condition like allergies or asthma.

The most common cause of a sinus infection is a virus — especially a cold or flu virus — but bacteria may also play a role. Viral infections can cause symptoms such as a sore throat and fever, while bacterial infections are more severe and can lead to more serious problems.

Commons Signs Sinus in Children

A sinus infection is common, but it can be tough to tell if your child has one. In children, common signs of sinus include fever, body aches, irritability, and he may have a cold or flu.

The most common signs of sinus include:

1. A Blocked Nose

A blockage is a classic sign of sinus, but if your child has a cold and a stuffy nose, it could be an allergy or another illness such as croup.

2. A Runny Nose

A runny nose often indicates an infection in the nasal passages. It’s especially bad for children under 5 who don’t know better than to blow their noses on everything!

3. A cough

The cough is more common in children than adults because kids’ lungs are still developing and need to be able to clear phlegm easily and quickly.

4. Fever and Chills

These are sometimes associated with colds and flu, but sometimes they’re caused by other illnesses like bronchitis, pneumonia, and sinus infections.

5. Sneezing and Coughing

Your child may be coughing up phlegm that looks like snot — but it’s not just a case of baby snot! Coughing up mucus from the sinuses can be part of a cold or flu if you don’t catch it early enough before it becomes chronic (long-lasting). But if your child has had several bouts of coughing with mucus and fever over several days, they may have sinus instead.

6. Fatigue

The most common sign of a cold is fatigue and a runny nose. But when it comes to sinuses, this symptom can be more severe. This is because the infection can make you feel very tired. You may also sleep more or even have trouble getting up in the morning. Other signs of sinus include headaches and nasal stuffiness.

7. Headache

If your child has a headache, it’s a good idea to take him to the doctor as soon as possible. This pain can be caused by dehydration and an underlying illness such as sinus or allergies. Even if your child doesn’t have a headache, it’s important to get him checked out by his doctor because many other conditions cause headaches besides sinus headaches (such as brain tumors).

8. Stuffy Nose

The symptoms of colds are usually mild compared to those experienced by someone with chronic rhinitis (a condition where inflammation of the nasal passages occurs over an extended period). If your child experiences chronic rhinitis, his symptoms will likely include congestion.

9. Allergies

In some cases, allergies can cause inflammation or congestion in your nasal passages and sinuses — causing symptoms similar to a sinus infection. An allergy is an immunological reaction in your child’s body to anything outside of themselves (like pollen), which results in symptoms like a runny nose and itchy eyes. If they have chronic nasal congestion, try taking over-the-counter decongestant medication for at least three days before seeing a doctor; if this happens after every time, you’re exposed to something that triggers an allergic reaction.

How to Prevent Sinuses

There are various things you can take to help your child from getting sinus infections:

If your child has already had a sinus infection, teach them to wash their hands thoroughly and frequently. For example, they should wash their hands before meals, use the bathroom, play outdoors, or be around sick people. In addition, teach them about hand washing in other places where germs may be present such as schools or daycare centers.

Your child should also avoid using tissues used by others who have come down with a cold or flu. Tissue adsorbent technology may reduce airborne viruses but also trap bacteria, leading to another infection if used again on your child’s skin.

Treating Sinuses

If you have a child who is suffering from sinusitis, there are a few things that can help.

Over-the-counter Medications

The medications are used to treat sinuses but are not considered the first line of treatment. If your child has a fever, cough, or congestion and your symptoms don’t improve after taking these medications for a few days, there may be other issues that need treatment before you can use them again.

Nasal irrigation

Nasal irrigation may help clear nasal passages of bacteria and reduce swelling and mucus in the nose. You will need to try this treatment if your child is congested or has a fever and their symptoms don’t improve after taking over-the-counter medication.


Antibiotics may be prescribed if an underlying medical condition causes sinus (such as allergies) in your child’s case (such as allergies). Antibiotics work by killing bacteria so that they do not cause infection to other parts of the body, including the lungs or middle ear structures (tympanic membrane).

Home Remedies

Home remedies for sinus include taking steamy showers, drinking warm tea with honey or lemon juice, gargling with salt water, and nasal irrigation with plain saline solution or warm salt water from a bulb syringe (available at most pharmacies). To add moisture to the air, you can also use a humidifier.

Take Caution

It’s crucial to take your child to the doctor if they have a fever. Also, a sinus infection can signify that something else is happening and that you need to see a doctor.

If you presume your child may have a sinus infection or another sickness, you should take them to the doctor to be examined. You may need antibiotics or other treatments, but if they don’t help, it could harm your child, so it’s best not to wait too long before seeking medical attention.       

Categories: Health

Nicolas Desjardins

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