In a competitive market, companies mainly compete on the volumes of products sold, market share, and other market factors. Other strategies such as branding, marketing, and CSR also focus on boosting sales revenue and overcoming market competition.

Due to the critical role of the sales department, companies must invest more resources in sales as a company function. One of the ideal strategies to boost the impact of sales function is sales enablement.

As the name suggests, sales enablement is about enabling, streamlining, or smoothing sales activities and functions. It is a relatively new concept but has been implemented by many companies due to its benefits.

Regardless of size, all organizations must adopt it as a key strategy for sales and performance. For companies new to the concepts, here are some details you ought to know about its role and the reasons to implement it for the sales team.

Understanding Sales Enablement

Most organizations rely on their sales teams to sell the products directly to targeted consumers. They conclude sales deals with retailers, other businesses, and customers. They also help the marketing team with marketing, promotion, and other sales functions.

To succeed in their roles, they must have the resources, tools, skills, experience, and other ideal factors to accomplish their functions. This is what sales enablement is about.

Therefore, to know what is sales enablement, agencies, and companies must focus on strategies, resources, best practices, and other factors critical for enhancing the sales team’s performance. Sales enablement involves various components and activities that must be fulfilled to make it effective.

Fulfilling and availing the resources is necessary to achieve the organization’s full purpose of sales enablement. These purposes include equipping the sales team for upcoming tasks, boosting company revenues, customer research, and integrating technology in sales.

Roles of Sales Enablement

Based on the definitions and activities involved, sales enablement fulfills the following roles in the organization.

1.    Understanding Buyers Better

The best sales enablement practices require team to be more focused on the buyer and engage more with them. To engage the buyers, you must understand them in detail. This involves focusing on buyer understanding strategies using customer journey maps, market surveys, etc.

Based on the outcomes of these tools, the company can plan on how to handle the buyers in the best ways. This involves focusing on their needs and addressing their concerns. You can focus on product quality and cost optimization from the analysis to ensure buyers have the right products at the right prices.

The journey maps and other tools also enable you to understand the changing customers’ tastes, needs, and preferences. You can also understand other factors, such as product pricing, quality, and quantity, and how these factors affect your customers.

2.    Boosting Customer Experience

Once you understand the customers and their needs, your next role should be on how to offer them the best services. As part of customer service delivery, sales enablement helps you optimize service quality dimensions such as place, place, promotion, product, and prices.

For instance, on the people aspects, it helps you train the staff in the latest customer services trends to ensure they offer the best services and handle customers appropriately. Secondly, it emphasizes delivering the right products the customers need, such as product quality, quantity, add-ons, and after-sales services.

From the market and customer analysis, the insights are ideal for customer engagement strategies, such as using digital communication strategies to ensure your customer feels valued.

3.    Training Sales and Marketing Teams

To ensure higher sales volumes and capacities, the team must be prepared to deliver their best and handle customers effectively. However, they need all the relevant skills which can be perfected through training. The training should be based on customer analysis so the teams can leverage the customers’ SWOT analysis to deliver the best services.

It is also essential for training the team on the latest market and customer services strategies. This involves training on how to leverage technology to boost customer interaction, promotions, and sales. While training, you can also focus on other soft skills, such as communication.

4.    Boosting Sales Revenue

For most companies, the ideal strategy to boost sales revenue is to market more and enter new markets. Studies have also proven that companies can boost sales revenue by understanding the market further to understand customer needs. Boosting sales also focuses on product and service strategies. Sales enablement combines all these aspects, significantly impacting product and service revenues.

The objective of sales enablement is to increase revenue by boosting performance rates and trends. It does not directly impact revenue, but through strategies such as market, customer, and other analysis, it can help companies boost sales.

With better tools and resources, sales reps can close deals faster since they have additional market and customer intel suitable for customized and targeted sales conversations.

Through improved customer services, it is an ideal strategy to attract and retain customers, thereby boosting revenues over time. It can help sales reps reach their quotas and targets faster than anticipated.

By training them on how to leverage market weaknesses and customer aspects, it can boost sales rep performance. It helps them create customized approaches to handling customers, boosting other sales strategies.


Sales enablement has a critical role in the organization since it focuses on availing resources, tools, and skills needed by sales reps to succeed in their jobs. It also enables the company to train the sales team to boost sales revenue and close deals faster. Finally, boosting customer experience to boost marketing and sales activities is critical.

Catégories : Business

Nicolas Desjardins

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